Welcome to my Website,
I'm happy you are here!
I am passionate about what I do in both my Mediumship work, and my work in Mental Health and Well Being.
You may think what a strange combination but for me the two pair beautifully together.
Often people who work with me have lost their direction in life, lost their true purpose, and are struggling to find their way back to themselves, their inner drive and souls mission.
I am passionate about assisting people to discover what lights them up!
I am an experienced and skilled
Psychotherapist and Medium combined!
I am based in the UK, and work abroad running workshops, residential's and public demonstrations.
My Story
I was born in the North West of England and grew up with parents who were very open to the Spirit World.
I am a natural born Spirit Medium, and have always been aware of Spirit since a very young child. I often received "feelings" or premonitions from Spirit.
I moved to Cornwall in 1991, and have lived in Cornwall for over thirty years.
In 2001, I was lucky enough to meet a woman who would completely change my life spiritually, and open me to the possibilities of deepening my Mediumship work.
I have run many workshops, and given many, many public demonstrations Mediumship in its varying forms..
I am continuing to develop and further deepen this work, and I am incredibly excited and proud of where this work is taking me.
For me, I believe that everybody has the ability to connect to Spirit.
Mental Health and Well Being
I am passionate about my work in mental health. I am an experienced Psychotherapist, and have worked in this country and abroad.
An example of some of the issues I work with are:
Complex trauma, including child abuse, sexual abuse
Relationship difficulties
Loss of direction & feeling lost
Low self esteem and unworthiness
I am also a UK Psychodramatic Bodywork Trainer, NLP Practitioner, Coach, Hypnotherapist, Sound Therapist and Reiki Practitioner.
The Bridge between the two worlds...
For me I am very clear about walking in two fields of expertise.
Do you have to believe in the possibility of Spirit to work with me, no you do not. I appreciate that for many people this is a "no go" subject, and I completely respect your boundary of wishing to stay with in the guidelines of mental health and well being.
Do you have to work on your mental health and well being to work with the Spirit World? For me the answer is always, yes. When we develop our Psychic, Mediumship, Trance abilities we tend to hit a "road block" with our development if we have unhealed trauma or hurdles currently. The brain waves for instance that we utilise when developing Mediumship / Trance Mediumship, are the same brain waves that access the emotional brainwaves of experience.
Anything unhealed will show up as potential block in our development, and the need to pause and look at this is vitally important.
Many people early in their development will struggle with confidence and I utilise my skills in mental health, with developing Mediums, to assist them to heal those things that are preventing them to fully connect with their Spirit helpers.
In the Spiritual Development workshops you will not only be learning how to connect to the Spirit World, you will be looking at your own personal development and healing.
Contact me for further information on events, workshops, residential's and one to one sessions.